

Holding Us Back or Holding Us Together?

Holding Us Back or Holding Us Together?

If depression is an evolved adaptation to stress, the immediate question is what possible benefit it could bring. As discussed in the Depression Reflex, it makes evolutionary sense for a creature hit by defeat, loss, or injury to withdraw – a strategic retreat that stops a bad situation from becoming worse.

Postpartum Depression: A Nasty Illness With Villainous Timing

Postpartum Depression: A Nasty Illness With Villainous Timing

Just as the ordeals of pregnancy and labour are over – right when a mother expects joy and blissful repose – there is an illness that not only feels dreadful but also impairs her ability to be the happy, adept, and loving carer she hoped to be. With mood low, energy gone and thinking foggy, normal tasks suddenly seem impossible, let alone providing the expected perfect welcome to a demanding new arrival.


How to Preserve Your Mental Health During the Pandemic

During the Blitz of World War II, Londoners faced the terror of nightly bombardment that left 43,000 dead and millions homeless. The Nazis expected to destroy morale and force surrender, yet the British chose to fight on and among the people there was a surprising absence of crime and suicide. Not only did the expected panic and despair never materialise, but the people appeared to rise to a new level of unity and resilience.


Why Do Women Suffer More Depression?

Depression comes in many forms and affects all walks of life. Genes and experiences interweave to produce an emotional and physical response as crippling as a serious disease. While the cause remains elusive, through many years of research one finding is rock solid: women are affected around twice as much as men. Often the discrepancy is blamed on gender-based discrimination: women are more depressed, the theory goes, because they have fewer advantages and more hardships in a patriarchal society.


The Depression Reflex

One of the paradoxes of the modern age is plummeting global poverty matched almost perfectly with rising clinical depression. Like never before we can defeat diseases, survive childbirth, elude predators, avoid war, and enjoy leisure, yet never before we been so unhappy. How can this be?


Partners in Crime: Depression and Heart Disease

Scientists have long observed an association between depression and heart disease. Depressed adults have a 66% greater risk of developing coronary artery disease. These patients are also more likely to progress to serious outcomes such as a heart attack – at least a quarter of cardiac patients suffer with depression.