What we Offer
NeuroCentrix is pleased to provide assessment services for a wide range of cognitive, memory, neurodiversity and mental health queries. Depending on the nature of your query, you may be seen by either a psychiatrist or psychologist.
Cognitive/Intellectual Assessment
Cognitive assessment (or intelligence testing) is used to determine an individual’s general thinking and reasoning abilities. Intelligence testing assesses a number of domains of an individuals cognitive capacity, and Neurocentrix is pleased to offer these assessments for all ages, childhood to adult. A cognitive assessment investigates:
- Verbal comprehension: understanding verbal information, thinking in words and expressing thoughts in words
- Perceptual reasoning: ability to organise and reason with visual information, and to solve visual problems
- Working memory: ability to retain and manipulate verbal information
- Processing speed: ability to scan, process and identify information accurately.
From the above domains, the IQ score is calculated. Higher scores represent higher cognitive functioning and lower scores represent poorer cognitive functioning. However, when the scores between domains varies greatly, individual domain scores may provide a more accurate reflection of an individual’s cognitive ability than the overall IQ score.
How could a cognitive assessment help me?
There are many reasons why you or your child may benefit from a cognitive assessment. For instance:
- To obtain an accurate profile of an individual’s overall intellectual functioning or IQ level
- To identify an individual’s cognitive strengths and weaknesses
- To assist in exploring an individual’s learning difficulties
- To assist in developing learning strategies and recommendations
To assist in the examination of:
- Intellectual giftedness
- Specific learning disabilities
- Intellectual disability
- Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
Academic Achievement Assessment
Academic achievement assessments measure a child’s academic ability level in a range of areas including oral language, basic reading, reading comprehension and fluency, written expression, mathematics and maths fluency. An objective measurement tool is used to identify areas of academic strength and weakness.
Educational assessments with children are often considered necessary following cognitive assessments to determine whether a child is gifted in a learning area or may have a learning difficulty or disability.
Educational assessment tools are useful when diagnosing specific learning disorders such as a reading or writing disability: Assessments can provide evidence for special provisions such as a scribe in formal school examination settings. It can also help identify which learning skills can be developed based on the individual’s abilities and strengths while providing strategies to compensate for areas of difficulty.
Autism Spectrum Disorder Assessment
Psychologists consulting at Neurocentrix are pleased to offer Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) assessments for children and adults. An ASD assessment normally involves the administration of a cognitive assessment, ASD-specific assessment tools, observation of the client in clinic, interviews with teachers/relatives and with the individual themselves. Neurocentrix ASD assessments can assist in providing a diagnosis as appropriate, along with informing next steps and finding appropriate supports.
ADHD Assessment
An assessment for Attention-Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) are provided for children and adults. An ADHD assessment typically involves a thorough clinical history, ADHD-specific diagnostic interviews, cognitive processing assessments and interviews with teachers/relatives. Neurocentrix assesses for ADHD using a mix of behavioural and performance-based measures which provide insight into an individuals strengths and challenges in planning, organisation, attention and inhibitory control. A report is provided at the conclusion of the assessment and an internal referral may be made to one of our psychiatrists who specialises in ADHD for medication support if desired.
What does it cost?
Assessment costs vary according to the nature of the referral question. For a no-obligation free quote, please submit your query below and one of our team will be in touch with a prompt answer.