NeuroCentrix is now offering treatment with a novel antidepressant nasal spray, recently approved by the TGA for use in patients with treatment-resistant depression. Patients who have trialed two or more oral antidepressants in their current episode of depression without a successful response may be eligible for this treatment.
Patients who are eligible for treatment will undergo three treatment phases;
1. Induction Phase – 2 sessions per week for 4 weeks
2. Maintenance Phase – 1 session per week for 4 weeks
3. Tailored Frequency – From Week 9 onwards, the patient may receive treatment either once per week or once per fortnight. The frequency will be maintained at the lowest which allows continued response.
Qualified medical staff will monitor the patient during the administration of the intranasal medication, and for two hours following administration. Patients will not be permitted to drive home following treatment sessions.
If you would like to learn more about the treatment program, and associated fees, please get in touch with the NeuroCentrix team at (03) 9546 0009 or email:
Please note that a referral will be required for any consultations.